Category: Uncategorized

  • Comprehensive Process of attribute-filter of WooCommerce Blocks.

    Okay the main thing is attributeTerms. Which is declared as results from a useCollection hooks call as: attributeTerms is then an object which is iterated upon. Then that object is the initial load then it is refreshed based on DOM events. … For the showing of the count: ….. I think, that the block for…

  • Documentation: Woocommerce-Blocks Filters Blocks

    useCollection: Appears to be a base hook. Which appears to be coming from this file. Described as a hook for wiring up a component to a collection route. “Queries are performed using useCollection hooks” useQueryStateByContext: A custom hook that exposes the current query state and a setter for the query state store for the given…

  • Documenting: Reverse Engineering Kemet

    So I need to load up what the website looks like before the addition and see what was added exactly. I am viewing the GitHub repo which I forked and making observations of it. “Enable Sticky Header” functionality < commit 6 It looks like the commit for ‘mobile logo’ is the main scaffold to add…

  • Guides: How I Document

    Whenever I am searching and I cannot find the answer I am looking for, I then that same query into my Documenting article. Such as “Make Menu full-width with Full Site Editing”. I then go through the process of documenting me doing that. Sometimes when I’m working on code and in the zone I don’t…

  • Blog toDo / Side Projects:

    Rewrite Divi theme to use Gutenberg. Make a button/input to donate money to support the blog/me. As a thank you. Include, Amazon Pay, Paypal, CashApp Also, have a question form where if you’re a struggling dev and want to ask me a question and it’ll be tiered based on my response. So if you pay…

  • Hello world!

    Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!