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Guide: How I structure my WP Gutenberg & WC Blocks project
The build process is reliant upon the editorScript param within the block.json Then it runs the checkoutRegisterBlock and registerBlockType. Whats in the build folder are blocks. I always prepend it with checkout-block- to know the naming scheme and how the block is shown differently. I’ve yet to add the slot fill on the editor side…
Private Work Notes: Making a Fundraiser with realtime functionality – Part 1
Alright, so how am I going to do this? I need to do the hardest parts first. I think I’ll use GPLv3 but not put it on GitHub or just make sure all rights are reserved. But the plan is to use GiveWP GitHub project and add the modifications I need and then redistribute it…
Work notes: Building a ‘Barebones’ theme for better cURL output
I had this problem in another post: “Seeing what’s in the checkout page, I need to work hard to get that checkout page as small as plausible to make it easier for me to consume. There’s so much boilerplate/cruft that I’m probably going to have to make a “clean space” to put the outputs I…
Work Notes: EC Refactor 2 – Part 2
I also have to make a demo site but I don’t feel like making a WordPress site for this so I’ll probably end up making a SPA for the checkout and edit checkout page to demonstrate functionality. y5397: Script for walk through video Step 1: Get the plugin on your computer and upload it to…
Work Notes: EC Refactor 2 – Part 1
toDo: I still haven’t connected or checked the Extension Data fully. The results, the results of like order and like, what a relates to the custom fields of all of it on the extended checkout us. I still want that to be in the control panel and that be like, under, like orders. There will…
Work Notes: Using local storage to share state between Gutenberg Blocks.
I managed to have it work but it’s not updating from the original value unless I delete the Local Storage value. I still need to get it working where a useEffect can change the value within Local Storage. I wanted to try a new solution because I wanted to share the results of an http…
Work Notes: Creating a custom WordPress API to interact frontend with the backend.
I would like to make a control panel of what components to render on the frontend but I can’t get the attributes on the frontend with the ease I would like. I should be able to post to the API in the editor using privileged credentials. And the API will be able to be viewed…
Work Notes: Creating a control panel for WooCommerce Blocks checkout blocks.
I need to focus on getting the children param because that’s where a bunch of attributes are going to be which I can’t normally access from the frontend without the children prop. Notice if you would like to know why the checkbox is rendered underneath the contact block it because of two things within the…
Work Log: Using WC Blocks Slot Fills for Shipping Information – Part 3
What I am working on in this article: – Move the previous extended checkout’s webpack config, components and integration into @woocommerce/extend-cart-checkout-block. – Customizing the plugin from a slot fill rendered view. – How the checkoutExtensionData prop is passed through. Questions: Why does every single component in the OG version of Extended Checkout need it’s own…
Article: Writing to Devs for Help on an issue.
I am trying to contribute to this project and I got all of the Twitter handles and some the emails of people who contributes often and I wrote to them and I only heard back from one person and they told me to make an create an issue on the repo. Although, making an issue…