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Update DOM in Realtime using Next.js 13
Contractor Buddy Work Notes – Part 4
Q3 – Tid Bits
This log in comment button could increase user interaction on a site.
Using LLMs effectively.
LLMs have a limit, I have use Claude Pro 3, GitHub Copilot and I now say with great strength that LLMs have a limit and won’t be useful as a sole tool for a very long time. So what do we do in the meantime? Treat these tools as what they are tools. One limit…
Create a React Context or add to same line, avoid prop drilling
TL;DR Prop drilling can be complicated and create buggy apps, try to avoid it. When you doing props drilling it’s important to know the limitations. A good rule is that if its small enough put it in the same component then do this. If it’s too large to put in the same component use React…
Contractor Buddy Work Notes – 3
What I learned this week – 04-01 to 04-05
When working with a new domain in Vercel, use a different project rather than messing around with CNAMES. If you want to move to a new domain create a new project. Then once that project is setup then redirect and then you won’t even need vercel infra for the previous domain.
Contractor Buddy Work Notes – 2
Start:2024-02-17 09:46:17 CST Side note:I would like to make a Torah reading app and Shabbes guide for Orthodox Jewish services. This would be using Capactior with Next.js 13. Start:2024-02-18 08:42:42 CST I NEED to make a page for deliquent receipts. Start:2024-02-19 17:20:52 CST So, let’s clean up that function that we made also, lets change…
Gutenberg to Next.js?
I envision a workflow within WordPress Gutenberg or if you know next JS you can use it or if you learn Gutenberg well you can transfer it to next GS smoothly. This would be almost as if WordPress Gutenberg chose next JS over create racked up even though next JS wasn’t even nearly as popular…
Work Notes: Using the gh cli (GitHub CLI) for note taking/blogging.
Creating a gist is simple: gh gist create. How to update a gist which is already published: Bringing the gist onto a WordPress blog post. With this, you want to maximize using their code because if you build too much on it, then it will be like a house of cards falling down. Bringing in…