Author: Monte

  • Documenting: Creating A Zip Code Validator for WordPress

    New Day: Fri 19 Aug 2022 05:12:59 PM CDT The problem is if I want to prevent the user from continuing I have to instantiate the $error object which makes things touch because I have to communicate between JavaScript and php, which is tough. I attempted to use Cookies for the problem but that didn’t…

  • Documenting: Familiarizing with Cookies

    New Day: Thu 18 Aug 2022 10:15:05 PM CDT Okay, I have this issue where I would like to run the business logic of my JavaScript but I couldn’t I looked up on Google ‘call javascript function as a parameter in php’. But that didn’t really work because php only see JavaScript as a series…

  • Documenting: Creating a Block Based Theme for a Large Website – Part 1

    New Day: Thu 18 Aug 2022 02:03:46 PM CDT Okay, I generated the block based theme and now it’s time to customize it to mirror the reference site. So far, I don’t have the menu. It doesn’t appear the theme automatically doesn’t comes with menu. Alright let’s look into this site on how they handle…

  • Documenting: Replacing LocalWP with wp-env on Linux Mint

    New Day: Tue 16 Aug 2022 09:37:22 AM CDT Alright before I start this I think LocalWP is really dope and is certainly an improvement upon the method used prior of working on a remote server or running a XAMP install on your local machine. I am very grateful that the upcoming generations have a…

  • Documenting: Researching Rebuilding Large Bloated Websites

    New Day: Mon 15 Aug 2022 02:17:38 PM CDT Okay, I often come across huge sites that have been jiggered together with plugins because the people running the site don’t know how to code to create custom solutions. So what often ends up happening is … lots of plugins and lots of complicated logic. Also,…

  • Documenting: Paths to LocalWP assets on Linux Mint

    New Day: Sat 13 Aug 2022 07:01:24 PM CDT I assume this would work in Ubuntu but not for sure. Okay, so ….. I read on their website they have paths to Mac machines listed as, ~/Library/Application Support/Local/blueprints. So my past experience says that I have seen that capitalized Local folder in the root somewhere,…

  • Documenting: Debugging WordPress With Custom Log Files

    New Day: Sat 13 Aug 2022 02:29:10 PM CDT Alright, after trying and failing This is not going to be specific to LocalWP–even though I’m using it for this–because this should work on the same PHP/WordPress installations. After looking around I found this dope talk where the speaker discusses different uses for the console object.…

  • Documenting: Setting Up Xdebug + VS Code for LocalWP on Linux Mint machine

    New Day: Sat 13 Aug 2022 10:35:23 AM CDT I have previously got it to work after editing the launch.json file and change the routing scheme to my LocalWP installation. I am following this YT video. I made a launch.json which worked well. Launch.json {“version”: “0.2.0”,”configurations”: [{“name”: “Listen for Xdebug 3.0 (Local)”,”type”: “php”,”request”: “launch”,”port”: 9003,”xdebugSettings”:…

  • Documenting: Importing Websites into LocalWP with WP CLI

    The process of importing things with LocalWP is the fact that you have to have the .sql file and wp-content folder of a website in the same folder, zip it and then drop it into LocalWP. This technique is summed up perfectly in this forum thread reply. I currently able to use SSH to get…

  • Documenting: Setting Up and using WP CLI on LocalWP

    TL;DR I didn’t have to do much work because LocalWP ships with WP CLI just click ‘Open site shell’ New Day: Thu 11 Aug 2022 11:59:00 AM CDT The WP CLI is offered kind of as an alternative to SSH but I have yet to get really familiar with it. It offers the promise of…