Author: Monte

  • Documentation: Woocommerce-Blocks Filters Blocks

    useCollection: Appears to be a base hook. Which appears to be coming from this file. Described as a hook for wiring up a component to a collection route. “Queries are performed using useCollection hooks” useQueryStateByContext: A custom hook that exposes the current query state and a setter for the query state store for the given…

  • Documenting: Creating a Block Based Theme for a Large Website – Part 2

    Gotta work on the menu and then make the menu like my own, my own plugin. So we went on to worry about that technique. That’s working the menu tab it like the z index. Not avoid to make the z index, not in filters. I also have to change the slash and every single…

  • WooCommerce-Blocks Documentation: Checkout

    useCheckoutAddress: This is a hook found in use-checkout-address.ts this hook is found in various files of checkout-shipping-methods-block folder. I beleive the value within it is used to hide the billing field. Found as a reliant boolean in this file. In detail: setBillingAddress: I think this is used in the data store and will be sent…

  • Documenting: Modifying The WooCommerce-Blocks checkout process. Part 1

    Okay. So what I want to do is I want to modify to check out to have it so like the the billing things already always on. I would like to fire the following events but because of the virtual DOM I can’t just append scripts like we could in the legacy way. Also, I…

  • Documenting: Reverse Engineering Kemet

    So I need to load up what the website looks like before the addition and see what was added exactly. I am viewing the GitHub repo which I forked and making observations of it. “Enable Sticky Header” functionality < commit 6 It looks like the commit for ‘mobile logo’ is the main scaffold to add…

  • Documenting: Familiarizing with MotoPress Mega Menu.

    Okay, I would like to have a project where I enter a WordPress URL and then an automated tool turns it into a fully functioning website. However, the part I’ve noticed with the FSE is the mega menu and just menus in general. It appears that you can’t REALLY start from scratch, you have to…

  • Documenting: Building a Basic Gutenberg Block

    New Day: Fri 09 Sep 2022 10:14:52 AM CDT You need to run npm run start while developing or make changes and then run npm run build. Starting this project off I wish these advancements in WordPress would have come 2 years prior as I way more knowledgeable on React then than I am now.…

  • Guides: How I Document

    Whenever I am searching and I cannot find the answer I am looking for, I then that same query into my Documenting article. Such as “Make Menu full-width with Full Site Editing”. I then go through the process of documenting me doing that. Sometimes when I’m working on code and in the zone I don’t…

  • Documenting: Deciphering A Complex Ajax Call in WordPress

    New Day: Tue 23 Aug 2022 06:19:42 PM CDT I will be referencing this stackoverflow answer related to an AJAX operation which changes a radio view. stackoverflow answer The answer says in order for this to work we have to manipulate the shopping sessions data. If you would to view the step by step process…

  • Documenting: Familiarizing Block Based Themes

    New Day: Mon 21 Aug 2022 12:00:00 PM CDT This article is a partner article to this article. I would like to use BBT and FSE to replace the plugins I am using. talk on how to develop BBT: Templates are HTML files that contain a full page of layout. They follow the same hierarchy…