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Work Notes: Building a Contractor Buddy for Contract Truckers – Part 2
[-] 528×5 – Mock the REST api post call for Twilio, this will save money and time. [ ] 51cxt8 – Work on the UI for the scheduling. [ ] 1489fs – Redesign UI to fit this menu/codesandbox. [ ] 425x8m – Isolate the problem of why some weren’t. This issue may be challenging. […
Work Notes: Building a Contractor Buddy for Contract Truckers – Part 1
In the next.js docs they talk about using a discord provider to use off. But I don’t really like discard at all so I’m going to try to do the same thing with Telegram. So right now, in t3 stack, adding data to databases is what I’m working on. …. That would be cool…
Work Notes: Extended Checkout – Part 3
[ ] 905afg- Check EC refactor with the latest dev versions of EC to check for errors. [ ] 189uia – Examine the EC submitted to WC Store. [ ] 521iag – Release version 1.1.0 [ ] 152agh – Make a versioning site where versions can be updated and have that setup and have users…
Lesson: Accessing v2 API of WooCommerce from different roles.
Only administrators can access the v2 api of WooCommerce, instead of wasting your time to try to get a custom role to do this just use a php call and pipe in the values via an enqueue_script and a localize_script.
Work Notes: Adding Custom Meta data to the Cart, WooCommerce Blocks, .js
This is how you add custom meta data to a cart in WooCommerce using JavaScript(React). The php: The React: Now we have to add it to the post meta so that we know what order the product has. I am fascinated by this line: I may use $order->update_post_meta, as seen here but for now I’m…
Private Work Notes: Making Extended Checkout plus Affiliate
I would like an affiliate program in order to test out the functionality of EC plus fundraisers. I am currently not in a position where I’m running fundraisers but selling Extended Checkout I would definitely like to use an affiliate system to increase sales. My plan is to make Extended Checkout the framework that the…
Private Work Notes: Making a Fundraiser with realtime functionality – Part 3
[x ] I may be able to query that PHP statement and allocate to an array it’ll be get underscore users using a PHP thing and that will save me the hassle of having to create a mirror API. [ x] Change the checkout page to show users rather than CPT, hopefully, I will be…
Work Notes: Setting up OTA updates for WordPress plugins
So I have to have the plugin on my server, here is the link to the zip which is publicly available. ( The official* docs on this topic. … I like this testing functionality to check if a php function is being fired in relation to the page:
Private Work Notes: Making a Fundraiser with realtime functionality – Part 2
Make the analytics good and then focus on the editing of the component so users can get the fundraisers page looking really good. [x]I also think I am going to switch Fundraiser to Fundraising Campaigns. … The implementation of this got kind of murky so here is the end user process: Someone who wants to…
Article: Don’t use saveEntityRecord for saving user meta within WordPress Gutenberg
I am trying to get something like this working: I tried to use saveEntityRecord for changing user meta and it didn’t work. In order to change user meta you have to register_meta in php with show in rest set to true. Then, use a POST request to post to the endpoint with the body of…