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Work Notes: Using Plaid API for importing Banking transactions
toDo: [ ] 524gsg – Change categories both on import and changing db data already saved into the database. Viewing these examples, The goal is to have Next.js 13+ functionality and the Plaid API working. I would also like to rewrite CB into all app dir and switch from Prisma ORM to Planetscale ORM. I’m…
Work Notes: Import CSV file into Prisma with Next.js 13+
This is the code I have so far but I don’t feel like making a client component: My goal is to use an await and turn this into a server component so I can skip the API generation. The Problem: Okay, so I would like to look into a CSV file, get the information from…
Work Notes: Uploading multiple images via UploadThing
The code I currently have only allows for uploading one image. This repo shows multiple images being uploaded, it also lint-free. I am focusing on this block of code from imgmanager which appears to upload multiple files: That request does multiple calls so if it wants to send two images then it sends two post…
Work Notes: Building a Contractor Buddy for Contract Truckers – Part 4
[x] 51cxt8 – Work on the UI for the scheduling. [ ] 852vsm – Quickbooks plugin to tie Trucking Buddy with Quickbooks. [ ] 95fs – I need to make dev url and prod url. [ ] 418fs – Backup, import and export receipt information ideally in a way which can be imported by Quickbooks.…
Building an Upload Component for uploadthing
I guess I just have to figure out how to post to imageUploader from, ‘src/server/uploadthing.ts’. I am going to try to get rid of the generate component block logic and import each manually. Okay, I rewrote the component to: This is the only example I found which I can fanaggle it. A list of components…
Work Notes: End to End (e2e) testing for the WooCommerce Checkout page
[ ] twt155 – I don’t know how to tests to see the user side, I would like for these tests to be comprehensive. [ ] 153gsaa – Turn this post into a video for YouTube and Odysee. I would like to use that Snapshot feature to just check if the blocks are still there…
Work Notes: Building a Contractor Buddy for Contract Truckers – Part 3
[ ] 51cxt8 – Work on the UI for the scheduling. [ ] 852vsm – Quickbooks plugin to tie Trucking Buddy with Quickbooks. [ ] 95fs – I need to make dev url and prod url. [ ] 418fs – Backup, import and export receipt information ideally in a way which can be imported by…
Work Notes: Building a Contractor Buddy for Contract Truckers – Part 2
[-] 528×5 – Mock the REST api post call for Twilio, this will save money and time. [ ] 51cxt8 – Work on the UI for the scheduling. [ ] 1489fs – Redesign UI to fit this menu/codesandbox. [ ] 425x8m – Isolate the problem of why some weren’t. This issue may be challenging. […
Work Notes: Building a Contractor Buddy for Contract Truckers – Part 1
In the next.js docs they talk about using a discord provider to use off. But I don’t really like discard at all so I’m going to try to do the same thing with Telegram. So right now, in t3 stack, adding data to databases is what I’m working on. …. That would be cool…
Work Notes: Extended Checkout – Part 3
[ ] 905afg- Check EC refactor with the latest dev versions of EC to check for errors. [ ] 189uia – Examine the EC submitted to WC Store. [ ] 521iag – Release version 1.1.0 [ ] 152agh – Make a versioning site where versions can be updated and have that setup and have users…