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Work Notes: Different JS Frameworks for Gutenberg Blocks
I wonder what it would look like if you used next.js with Gutenberg blocks instead of the create-app the WordPress offers.
Work Notes: Using OpenAI’s Whisper for Speech to Text
I am tried of being on Mint Linux and having poor speech to text capability so I am going to make a web app and host it on this site. I am using this repo as a starting point. And I found that repo by looking through the show and tell page of OpenAI’s official…
Work Notes: Adding Multiple Blocks to the WooCommerce Blocks Checkout Page.
I wrote this piece of code which takess in multiple paths rather than just one. I currently cannot get get_editor_script_handles() to run within the IntegrationInterface without crashing the site. When I put this simple piece of code in the IntegrationInterface it crashes the site as well. Trying to figure out if making multiple integration interfaces…
Work Log: Using WC Blocks Slot Fills for Shipping Information – Part 2
Summary: – I worked on regex to have my webpack work write for Extended Checkout. So, I have to take that checkbox fixed, turn it that well first about to fix it. So it’s not like just showing nothing so to fix that, you know, and try to figure out why it’s not working. And…
Notes: Webpack in WordPress Gutenberg
I am currently having issues where I cannot get webpack to work and I get this error. The only remedy I’ve found is move @wordpress/scripts from devDependencies to dependencies. Also, move other webpack related things from devDependencies to dependencies and that should clear up the errors. Why this is? I do not know yet.
Article: Dealing with code block
Whenever. You have like a day where you want to have off, or you have just like a day where you’re not feeling it. It might just be code block. And then whenever I have code block, I drink some beer, then my code block goes away, and then I’m mysteriously fix all my problems…
Work Log: Using WC Blocks Slot Fills for Shipping Information – Part 1
This project is contingent upon being able to have the information being added into the REST API post which creates the $order object. If I can get it there then it’ll be sent to the admin part of WordPress which will then be able to be viewed by the client. I know that when I…
Documenting: Modifying The WooCommerce-Blocks checkout process. Part 2
For the checkout process I am trying to figure out where the shipping information is held locally. “Sets shipping address locally, as opposed to updateCustomerData which sends it to the server.” I can’t figure out how to preserve the Redux log to see the event occurirng when the button is pressed so I guess I’m…
Documenting: Making Attribute Filter work on Category Page – Part 2
In the prior post, I made the point that it would be easier to use the rendering method All Products was using and then modify it with React on re-render as it is going to need pagination. Not to mention, that there could be possible 100’s of products with a certain attribute and I don’t…
Documenting: Making Attribute Filter work on Category Page – Part 1
This video is useful for editing the category page. Okay, so I found out that hasFilterableProducts. The has_filterable_products is in php files, with the file AllProducts.php. If I want similar logic to occur on the Categories I need to to has_filterable_product to ProductCategories.php in a way that AllProducts.php is. I realized getSettingWithCoercion is related to…