Category: Uncategorized

  • Work Notes: Adding Dummy data to a Plaid Dummy account for import with Plaid API

    “ I was unable atm to insert dummy data onto the used_good accounts so I’m going to have change it from the transactions which was loaded. It looks like you can interdict the transactions and change the categories, see here. I guess I can add transactions to a dummy account with this.” I would eventually…

  • Study Notes: Studying CDL Air Brakes test – Illinois Audio of The Air Brakes test here: To purchase this same recording so you can have it with you, pay here. Grand set: The spring brakes used on tractors and straight trucks will bring your truck to a stop when the air pressure drops below:20 psi.Excessive heat caused by…

  • Writing Work Notes

    I try to include images so I can know what I was talking about. Ultimately, I don’t slow down and make a video on the thing I’m working on, I usually go back, so images and notes of what’s going on is important. I use MoL Custom blocks and just add the widget to the…

  • Work Notes: Using Plaid API for importing Banking transactions

    toDo: [ ] 524gsg – Change categories both on import and changing db data already saved into the database. Viewing these examples, The goal is to have Next.js 13+ functionality and the Plaid API working. I would also like to rewrite CB into all app dir and switch from Prisma ORM to Planetscale ORM. I’m…

  • Work Notes: Import CSV file into Prisma with Next.js 13+

    This is the code I have so far but I don’t feel like making a client component: My goal is to use an await and turn this into a server component so I can skip the API generation. The Problem: Okay, so I would like to look into a CSV file, get the information from…

  • Work Notes: Uploading multiple images via UploadThing

    The code I currently have only allows for uploading one image. This repo shows multiple images being uploaded, it also lint-free. I am focusing on this block of code from imgmanager which appears to upload multiple files: That request does multiple calls so if it wants to send two images then it sends two post…

  • Work Notes: Building a Contractor Buddy for Contract Truckers – Part 4

    [x] 51cxt8 – Work on the UI for the scheduling. [ ] 852vsm – Quickbooks plugin to tie Trucking Buddy with Quickbooks. [ ] 95fs – I need to make dev url and prod url. [ ] 418fs – Backup, import and export receipt information ideally in a way which can be imported by Quickbooks.…

  • Building an Upload Component for uploadthing

    I guess I just have to figure out how to post to imageUploader from, ‘src/server/uploadthing.ts’. I am going to try to get rid of the generate component block logic and import each manually. Okay, I rewrote the component to: This is the only example I found which I can fanaggle it. A list of components…

  • Work Notes: End to End (e2e) testing for the WooCommerce Checkout page

    [ ] twt155 – I don’t know how to tests to see the user side, I would like for these tests to be comprehensive. [ ] 153gsaa – Turn this post into a video for YouTube and Odysee. I would like to use that Snapshot feature to just check if the blocks are still there…

  • Work Notes: Building a Contractor Buddy for Contract Truckers – Part 3

    [ ] 51cxt8 – Work on the UI for the scheduling. [ ] 852vsm – Quickbooks plugin to tie Trucking Buddy with Quickbooks. [ ] 95fs – I need to make dev url and prod url. [ ] 418fs – Backup, import and export receipt information ideally in a way which can be imported by…